Our Approach to Health

NutritionWorks Holistic Health is a holistic health clinic specializing in Naturopathy, BioEnergetic Medicine, holistic health care, health coaching, and more. We know that the body is a flow system, and ill health can be a result of malnutrition and/or toxic load in the body. BioEnergetic Assessment is intended to tap into the body’s communication system to find what it may need to restore and maintain health returning the body back to balance. Holistic Health is designed to address the entire being including the mind, body and spirit.

All symptoms represent the body’s attempt to restore itself back to a state of health. Instead of looking at a health issue as something wrong, we see it as the body trying to make itself right.

We believe:
- Our bodies are a flow system designed to take in nutrients and eliminate wastes and toxins.
- A symptom is the body’s cry for help.
- Dis-ease is a blockage in the flow system somewhere.
- Our bodies are designed to experience optimal health when given exactly what they need.

What is BioEnergetic Medicine and Nutrition Response Testing®?

“Bio” meaning body and “energetic” meaning energy, BioEnergetic Medicine is a complementary and alternative method intended to tap into the body’s communication system to find out exactly what may be causing ill health and what the body may need to restore itself, bringing it back into a state of balance. Specifically, Nutrition Response Testing® is a non-invasive form of BioEnergetic Medicine that uses a muscle response to test the body.

The body’s innate intelligence tells us when we are thirsty or hungry, when to sleep, and when it is in a state of dis-ease. All symptoms are the body’s attempt to restore itself back to a state of health. Instead of looking at a health issue as something wrong, we see them as indications of underlying factors that the body can heal for itself if given what it needs.

Conventional vs. BioEnergetic Medicine

An important basic difference exists between conventional medicine and natural (BioEnergetic) medicine. In conventional medicine, the aim often is to control the symptom through regular use of medications, even if the medication is nothing more than synthetic vitamins. If the medication is withdrawn, however, the person returns to illness. There has been no cure.

BioEnergetic Medicine is believed to assist the body to restore its normal physiology so that the body can heal and restore itself back to a state of balance. The premise is the body is given exactly what it needs for health restoration instead of symptom masking.

*Disclosure: BioEnergetic Medicine and Nutrition Response Testing are considered part of the field of complementary and alternative medicine and are solely designed to assess energetic imbalances in the body not for the purpose of any medical/psychological advice, opinion, diagnosis or treatment.

Why might this be for me?

You might be here for several reasons: you may have one or more health conditions that won’t go away; you’d like avoid taking medications; you have visited doctors, or even alternative health practitioners, but the results weren’t what you hoped or expected; your health conditions are significantly affecting your life; and/or you realize that these conditions are probably not going to get better unless the real source of the problem is found and corrected. Another reason may be you feel great and want to keep your body healthy or there is a family history of medical/health conditions you wish to avoid.

You can try to handle your health conditions with standard conventional medicine or even self-prescribed vitamins or supplements; however, how do you know what is right for your body? Two people might have the same health issue, but for different reasons. BioEnergetic Medicine is designed to take the guesswork out of it as the body specifically communicates its issues and needed resources. Each program is personally designed to the individual.

Our practice purpose is to help as many people as possible improve and maintain their health and well-being naturally and safely without the use of unnecessary drugs and surgery.

*Disclosure: We do not provide any medical or psychological advice, opinion, treatments, or diagnosis. Our services are not a substitute for health care advice and services from licensed health care professionals. Instead, we provide complementary and alternative medicine energetic assessments, products and educational information to our clients to assist them in restoring balance and energetic flow in the body; thereby, creating the opportunity for the body to heal.